Zone V-2, an exurb near a bustling city, serves as a microcosm of society with unique laws and relationships. Its diverse inhabitants, including the common man, a VCR-aspiring guild, a young engineer yearning to work abroad, and a hidden brothel operating as a tapestry workshop, engage in seemingly benign interactions that conceal contemporary societal issues. This satirical portrayal critiques vulgarity and well-meaning intentions. The exurb strives to become a model community, led by former manager Videlov. Strict rules govern life in the Zone. When Rangelov shelters a roe deer, tensions rise. Meanwhile, Bonev suspects his wife due to the presence of twenty-lev notes, discovering his daughter's involvement in paid dancing. To protect the deer, Rangelov hides it with the restaurant keeper, leading to intense Commission meetings to resolve the issue.
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