Nirahua Hindustani is a 2014 Indian Bhojpuri-language action-romance-comedy film written by Santosh Mishra and directed by Satish Jain. Produced and distributed by Nirahua Entertainment, Rahul Khan Productions and Nirahua Music World, respectively. The film features Dinesh Lal Yadav and Amrapali Dubey in lead roles while Ayaz Khan, Gopal Rai, Kiran Yadav and Sanjay Pandey portray pivotal roles. It is a remake of the 2012 Chhattisgarhiya film "Laila Tip Top, Chhaliya Angutha Chhap" which starred Karan Khan, Sikha Chitambare and Sanjay Mahanand and he was directed by Satish Jain. The soundtrack and film score were composed by Rajesh - Rajnish. Satya Prakash was the film's cinematographer and editing was done by Santosh Harawade.
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