Fakirchand lives a wealthy lifestyle along with his wife, Lakshmi; a daughter named Kamla, and two sons, Raja, who attends college, and Ratan, who is in school. Kamla is an activist against the social evil of dowry, and works as a school-teacher. When the school upgrades it's building, they hire an engineer, Kumar, and both Kamla and Kamla fall in love with each other. Kumar lives a middle-class lifestyle with his widower dad, Dhaniram, and two sisters, Rajni, who attends college, and Munni, who is school-going. Rajni is in love with Raja and both plan to get married soon, but are also aware that Fakirchand expects a Dowry of at least Twenty Thousand Rupees. When Dhaniram finds out that Rajni has fallen in love with Raja, he goes to meet with Fakirchand, who insults and humiliates him. When Fakirchand finds out that Kamla wants to wed Kumar, he goes to Dhaniram, and he, in turn, gets humiliated.
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