To promote the film "Kamen Rider Wizard in Magic Land", Toei released a series of online webisodes, featuring several unbelievable stories. The Kamen Rider Cops films feature past Kamen Riders as part of Rinko's police force. The Kamen Rider Mage films feature Shunpei as the hero. The Search for Magic Riders! looks at past mystically-themed Kamen Riders. The Koyomi's Room: Premium films show Koyomi's various interests outside of helping Haruto.
herosuperheromagicsuper powerwizardmysticmagiciancopbeltpower suitmagekamen riderpromotional filmwebisode
Tomokazu Seki
Kamen Rider Amazon / Kamen Rider Stronger / Great Leader of Shocker (voices)
125 Movies
138 Series
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