Based on the best-selling collection of true ghost stories "Shin Mimibukuro," and produced by masters and rising directors of the horror genre, including Norio Tsuruta of "Ring 0," Takashi Shimizu of "Ju-on," and Yô Takahashi, the screenwriter of "Ring," the latest and fourth series of the popular "Japanese Horror" series "Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro" is here. The directors include the TBS drama genius Akio Yoshida of "Kamaitachi no Yoru," the highly acclaimed newcomer Keisuke Toyoshima of "Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro Gekijouban" and "Kaiki Daikazoku," Kenji Murakami of the "Jurei" series, Masaya Kakei, whose "Bijokan" was highly praised at international film festivals, and the active film director Hirono Yamada. The main cast features Mei Kurokawa from "Mondai no Nai Watashitachi" and the popular BS-i drama "Keitai Keiji." Other notable cast members include Nana Eikura and Masahiro Toda of "Cure."
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