Earthworm Jim is an American and British animated television series based on the video game with the same name which appeared on Kids' WB! for two seasons from September 9, 1995 through December 13, 1996. The series follows the adventures of an earthworm named Jim, who is turned into a superhero by a robotic super suit.
United States
based on video game
Dan Castellaneta
Earthworm Jim / Grim Reaper / Turns-His-Eyes-Inside-Out Boy / Evil Jim / Abraham Lincoln / Japius / Stock Broker
58 Movies
21 Series
Jeff Bennett
Peter Puppy / Narrator / Hamsternator / Neighbor / Thug #1 / Billy's Dad / President / Therapist / Great Worm Spirit
199 Movies
112 Series
Jim Cummings
Psy-Crow / Whooping Cough Boy / Zantor / Bird / Johnny Dactyl / Bob the Killer Goldfish / Number One / Number Two / Sword of Righteousness / Walter / Cuban Band Leader / Santa Claus
182 Movies
74 Series
Kath Soucie
Princess What's-Her-Name / Cody / Malice The Dog / Billy / Johnny Dactyl's Mom / Little Girl / Perpsichore
98 Movies
64 Series
Charlie Adler
Professor Monkey-For-A-Head / Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer / Little Boy / Doorman of the Gods / Taxidermist
68 Movies
50 Series
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